Channel: razcapapercraft
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: 3d origami tutorialshand madehow tolego origamilego origami space rocket set part 2lego origami setorigamiorigami rockethow to makeorigami rocket tutprial3d origami rocket tutoriallego3d origami space rocket tutorialpaperdiy3d origami rocket3d origami space rocket3d origamilego origami space rocket sethow to make 3d origami space rocketmodular origamirazcapapercraft
Description: 3D origami Space Rocket tutorial step by step. This is a video about how to make 3d origami Space Rocket , for this 3d origami Space Rocket model I use normal colored printer paper 80 g/sm and the format of paper is european A4 (210/297mm) This 3d origami Space Rocket (the number of pieces is for this tutorial) model is made from around 1060 red pieces , 380 black pieces and 300 grey pieces , small 3d origami pieces made from rectangles of paper with dimensions of 64/A4(3,6cm-2.7cm) My new Youtube Channel : Lego Origami On this new channel I will make new tutorials on the Lego Origami Sets . If you want to buy 3d origami models from me send a message to I sell 3d origami pieces This 3d origami model is created and folded by Campean Petru Razvan. All rights reserved. If you want to support me to make more tutorials you can donate here: ... any amount is welcome Visit my blog : About 3d origami Paper : How to make 3d origami pieces another tutorial 3d origami tutorial for beginners : How to make 3d origami base : IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT MY MODEL SEND A MESSAGE (PICTURE)TO RAZCAPAPERCRAFT Facebook page